tyas tangi
13Friends 11Fans
female i even don't know where I am..., Indonesia
nothing to say n nothing special to inform..
nothing to confess
tyas tangi is
11 years ago
talking to an old friend
tyas tangi
11 years ago
tik tok tik tok
tyas tangi
11 years ago
menilik karma, naik 1 point
tyas tangi
11 years ago
berasa mencium ayam dan jadi pengen ayam
tyas tangi
11 years ago
waktu terus berlalu tanpa kusadari malam t'lah tiba aja...
tyas tangi
11 years ago
arthur conan doyle is really not my type. It's like a lullaby ...but I'll keep reading it. B-)
tyas tangi
11 years ago
semangat juga perlu dipupuk biar nggak layu
tyas tangi
11 years ago
try to get the mood up B-)
tyas tangi says
11 years ago
editor gagal? menurut lo? (unsure)
tyas tangi says
11 years ago
social networking sites are unsafe places to share sensitive ideas or feeling (unsure)