16Friends 3Fans
female IN, United States
redhead. clothes addict. linden collector. nerd extraordinaire. placing freckles on your nearest SL experience :-)
10 years ago 2
Yeah.... Kinda disappointed with this round of the Arcade. (annoyed)
10 years ago
Welp THAT'S the last time I rent at a gatcha place. 2nd time being screwed over is no bueno
10 years ago
Medieval roleplay hmmm... Might do some investigating. :-D
10 years ago
really upset about the lindens wanting to trash SL forever :-(
trilliandro says
10 years ago
blog or not to blog, that is the question....
trilliandro likes
10 years ago
living in the batcave.
trilliandro wonders
10 years ago
if her and Kirakah will ever find a friggin house!
trilliandro loves
10 years ago
shopping with Kira :-)
trilliandro thinks
11 years ago
harry potter rp in sl might be fun :-)