107Friends 43Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
活著是 一個負擔
離開是 一種解脫
天葬是 一個想法
希望是 一種幻想
我就是 一個孤人

Joe Cocker - Love Lives On
You touched my life
And turned my heart around
Seems when I found you
It was me I really found

You opened my eyes
And now my soul can see
tonybair feels
12 years ago 2
機場工作證的唯一好處~~就是許多店家可以打折,卻只會讓自己更忙碌更快升天 >"<
tonybair asks
12 years ago 7
tonybair feels
12 years ago 1
after one day slept ~ physical strength recover
tonybair feels
12 years ago 13
airline Meals and mcdonalds ~ hard to lose weight (doh)
tonybair says
12 years ago
“Its not about how hard you hit….its about how hard you can GET hit and still stand up…”
tonybair says
12 years ago 3
想聽 All By MySelf by Eric Carmen
tonybair says
12 years ago
going to watch the Avengers
tonybair feels
12 years ago
after 3 hours slept ~ body force getting back
tonybair feels
12 years ago 4
I need strengthen my English proficiency
tonybair says
12 years ago