21Friends 18Fans
male Antwerpen, Belgium
Tonio is Tonio. Talk to me and get to know me. :-)
Loads of Love going Pun's way <3
16 years ago 9
points to the new audio/video chat features in gmail. Cross browser/cross platform PC/Apple - just a simple plugin to download. Very neat!
Tonio is
16 years ago 9
off to the airport, VIP coming :-)
16 years ago
once again goes to bed early. Feeling so much better with a few hours more sleep per day-and counting down the hours to the fourth meeting..
Tonio asks
16 years ago
what people here think about the new Nautilus mainland that has been announced? SL attempt to lock ppl in, or natural expansion?
16 years ago 10
waits patiently for this:
Tonio shares
16 years ago 5
the ultimate drama queen:,...
Tonio says
16 years ago 19
... you have been on SL too long when...
16 years ago 8
knows why 8 years Bush worked now - put fear in the hearts ofyour people, worked in the 40's, does now: McCain Trying To Respect Obama Now &amp; Crowd Boos!