85Friends 34Fans
male Wichita, KS, United States
Super Genius and Mastermind of Possibilities...

I run Car Dealerships.

I am tomwhitejr on twitter and facebook.
tomwhitejr shares
16 years ago
SUV-asaurus "The Story of the Gas Guzzling SUV" Are YOU driving a gas-guzzling SUV-Asaurus???
tomwhitejr asks
16 years ago 3
how many of you use Plurk exclusively vs. twitter? how many use both? where do you spend the majority of your time?
tomwhitejr says
16 years ago 4
I justed wanted to see how long it took to go from hero to zero re karma - answer: about 2 months... officially a zero now!!!
tomwhitejr says
16 years ago 1
This McCain potential VP choice is interesting...
tomwhitejr is
16 years ago 2
bored with HRC's rhetoric...
tomwhitejr is
16 years ago
already missing the Olympics. nothing to watch at night now...
tomwhitejr is
16 years ago
wanting to sleep but can't... CRAPPY!!!
tomwhitejr is
16 years ago 3
listening to benfolds and working on the blogs...
tomwhitejr asks
16 years ago 3
what's most important in a new car purchase: MPG, environmentally friendly, safety, price, or payment?