2Friends 19Fans
male Miami, FL, United States
tommyparke says
14 years ago
Grateful for the City of Miami Police Dept. Pray for & encourage them today as we honor the officers that were taken from us.
tommyparke says
14 years ago
Blog: Have you ever thought about quitting your ministry? Don't give up. Get real. ht.ly/3r3uU
tommyparke says
14 years ago
Reminded tonight that there's the power of life/death in words. "Be slow to speak & anger..." ping.fm/Rzkss
tommyparke says
14 years ago
"God became man [Jesus] because God in His divinity alone cannot suffer..." - Eric Geiger ping.fm/83mPm
tommyparke says
14 years ago
A panhandler asked me for change. I had none then he asks me, "Really?" Sad that he thought I lied but more sad he had to ask.
tommyparke says
14 years ago
First day of our "Story" series, CF Students party in service & start of Kristin's birthday week. It's a good day :-)
tommyparke says
14 years ago
New iPhone 4 for as little as $24? Crazy. Check it here: ping.fm/OvffA
tommyparke says
14 years ago
Christmas hymns touch my heart deeply. "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" is a favorite. Through Jesus, "God & sinners reconciled."
tommyparke says
14 years ago
[www.TommyParke.com] Heather is Safe in the Arms of God ht.ly/37VwR
tommyparke says
14 years ago
[www.TommyParke.com] Mentoring Our Next Generation ht.ly/34a9y