Tommie Zito
10Friends 69Fans
male Miami, FL, United States
Tommie Zito
15 years ago
Join us the rest of this week at 7pm and 10am at Agape Worship Center, COG in Columbia, SC. We are excited to see ..
Tommie Zito
15 years ago
Join us this week in Columbia, SC at Agape Worship Center COG. Spread the word and bring your family and friends. ..
Tommie Zito
15 years ago
Thank you to our partner's who help us carry the gospel around the world. We appreciate you so much. If you are no..
Tommie Zito
15 years ago
Join us this week at Hamilton COG in Hamilton, OH. Get the word out and come be a part of this special week of meetings.
Tommie Zito
15 years ago
and we are live on the internet!!
Tommie Zito
15 years ago
540 saved in Sacramento, CA!!
Tommie Zito
15 years ago
Make your own animoto music videos!!!
Tommie Zito
15 years ago
Just made a video on Animoto called "10th Anniversary Campmeeting ":
Tommie Zito
15 years ago
New Blog Post!!
Tommie Zito
15 years ago
New Blog Post: