Tommie Zito
10Friends 69Fans
male Miami, FL, United States
Tommie Zito
13 years ago
Amazing move of God hitting Savannah...Camp Meeting this week in Fory Myers
Tommie Zito
14 years ago
great revival in Georgia. hundreds saved
Tommie Zito shares
14 years ago
570 decisions for Jesus in 5 days. Sunnyside COG has Rekindled the Fire for our LOST. Last service 2morrow is an anointing 1. Don't miss it!
Tommie Zito shares
14 years ago
298 Salvations in 3 days. During the service, the youth went out and came back with 41. Listening to these young ones talk SOULS..Amazing!!
Tommie Zito shares
14 years ago
American Awakening at Sunnyside COG, Woodstock, GA. Come get a touch from Jesus and see your life change!!!
Tommie Zito shares
14 years ago
7 days until The American Awakening Team is in Woodstock, GA. Sunnyside Church of God. Come be apart of this special week of meetings!
Tommie Zito shares
14 years ago
CTN studio in Largo, FL yesterday for the taping of the Herman and Sharron Show with Roy Fields. Feeling a shift. Lord leads us perfectly!
Tommie Zito says
14 years ago
Next stop for The American Awakening is Woodstock, GA at Sunnyside Church of God. October 24-30. Check for more info.
Tommie Zito shares
14 years ago
Awesome last night in Beckley, WV. 540 decisions made for Christ!! Keep going all the way for HIM Family Worship Center. HE is so worth it!