16Friends 27Fans
male San Luis Obispo, CA, United States
4 years ago 11
i'm close to losing my KOL record for all-time hardcore runs with a Flaming Gravy Fairy as the primary familiar. I realized after a couple dozen that I should have been using another GF. I stuck with it, figuring nobody would be dumb enough to do that many runs with theirs. I stopped when I got the hound dog, much better.
Player Count
tingly 77
Cavatellia 76
5 years ago 12 @Edit 5 years ago
rocky times for KOL, maybe the beginning of the end
The dark side of KOL: Misconduct and abuse IRL by TP...
6 years ago
Santa has an evil laugh. Santa Claus hides in your phonograph
6 years ago 7
in kol - Turns Played (total): 1,000,313
7 years ago
day 5000 of KOL
8 years ago 1
KOL makers are trying to get their new game added to Steam.
Steam Greenlight :: West of Loathing
9 years ago 6
I have a desire to block Plurk EN.
9 years ago 5
someone posted on facebook "duunnn dunnn... duuuunnnn duun... duuunnnnnnnn dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn dunnnn"
9 years ago
I saw star wars. Both spoilers that I heard were wrong. I'm bizarrely mixed about the film. That's all I'm saying.
9 years ago 1
facebook reminded me that Glitch ended 3 years ago today. Seems like 5.