0Friends 5Fans
female Taichung, Taiwan
i am not so good, but i am really nice. I'm not so sensetive, but i do really like to help when somebody(not everyone) needs me. i am not active enough. i am lazy to think much about the future. i really want to improve them. i don't want miss som
tina030820 希望
15 years ago
tina030820 希望
15 years ago
tina030820 討厭
15 years ago
每次上班時或上課回來就發現桌子油油的, 有時候都來不及反應.衣服髒了也就算了, 打出來的考卷剛放在桌上,就出現了一圈圈透明的油漬!
tina030820 覺得
15 years ago
I've been teaching for almost ten years. I still hate Monday, starting to think about the students and the office desk.....
tina030820 覺得
15 years ago
Fall is some kind of beautiful+cool+lonely+losing
15 years ago
Why is it so hard enjoying working?
tina030820 覺得
15 years ago
前兩個星期也不知是如何熬過來的,皮笑肉不笑的.除了好友們的支持鼓勵,我那兩個小朋友跟著我週末時,到處流浪,是我最大的力量.曾讓我感到冷漠自我的同事C, 卻適時的給了我最大的幫助,或許這就是雪中送炭吧! 好友I的簡訊亦讓我哭了好久不能自已! Thanks a lot,Dears.
tina030820 覺得
15 years ago
it's very fun to be here!
tina030820 正在
15 years ago
dreaming and laughing
15 years ago