5Friends 2Fans
female Naga, Philippines
I am Christine. :-)
- 16 yr. old lass.
- freshman student of AdNU.
- taking up BS ECE.
- loves eating.
- fan of music.
- loves her friends much.
- open to new friendships. :-))
I laugh. I cry. I hope. I love. I live life. :->♥
tin110 feels
13 years ago
so hungry. xD
tin110 hates
13 years ago
tin110 is
13 years ago
soooooo hungry. :/
tin110 is
13 years ago
remembering the good days.
tin110 hopes
13 years ago
to see him.
tin110 loves
13 years ago
sembreak. >:-)
tin110 shares
13 years ago
tin110 hates
13 years ago
liars! >,<
tin110 hates
13 years ago
freaky people. >.<
tin110 is
13 years ago
another moment to remember :-))