108Friends 60Fans
female Manila, Philippines
Fiction is the reality of every dream. :-))
times feels
12 years ago
weak. Popped pill. Cannot afford to get sick for the next two months. This gotta end.
times says
12 years ago
Going out was fun, though it was less than an hour. :-)
times says
12 years ago
Late night thinking. Wanna go out, walk, relax, and then go back to thinking. Why you so close, October?
times says
12 years ago
I am back Pluuurk! Always here for vacation. Haha
times says
13 years ago
times feels
13 years ago
:-& Blooooooooodssssss :l
times feels
13 years ago
(dance_bzz) They loved my cooking :-)
times says
13 years ago
for the nth time now, zero karma :/
times says
13 years ago
14 years ago
P-p-pluurk :-)