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female Tiessa's Palace, Second life
I'm a Second Life avatar, who does a little bit of everything, except get into trouble, which I do a lot and at which I excel.

Tiessa says
10 years ago 1
I've been working to get rid of extra gadgets I got rid of pda, ipod, camera and phone into one. Why should I add the Apple Watch back into the mix? I can just glance at my phone. (thinking)
Tiessa says
10 years ago
working from home tomorrow - Seattle is filled with idiots dressing alike and drinking heavily. The Seahawks have their opening game tomorrow. (eyeroll)
Tiessa says
10 years ago
back from a wonderful 3 day weekend with gf - met a woman who had so many lip injections gone wrong she looked like she had a bird beak. :-&
Tiessa says
10 years ago 2
you know, I don't get into as much trouble now that I'm dating someone - so much more boring.
Tiessa says
10 years ago
work work work, blech, I want a weekend now!
Tiessa says
10 years ago 2
yay the weekend!
Tiessa says
10 years ago 2
two blissful nights with gf before she had to head out for another weeklong business trip. :-(
Tiessa says
10 years ago
I get to see gf tomorrow! She'll be back in town from her trip!
Tiessa says
10 years ago
gf is out of town this weekend - time to curl up, watch bad movies, kill things in WoW, and pine for her :-D
Tiessa says
10 years ago 2
god, work can be so boring somedays - I wasn't bored when I was out of work :-D