123Friends 157Fans
female Tiessa's Palace, Second life
I'm a Second Life avatar, who does a little bit of everything, except get into trouble, which I do a lot and at which I excel.

Tiessa says
10 years ago 1
wow, completely busy and forgot all about updating. bye bye karma! (wave)
Tiessa says
10 years ago 1
back to work for the week :-(
Tiessa says
10 years ago
wow, really fell off the map, work busy, gf busy, etc. Howdy plurkites! (wave)
Tiessa says
10 years ago
wow, spent a week with gf and kinda fell off the map I was having fun :-D
Tiessa says
10 years ago
off to see gf for her birthday, have fun plurkites, I know I will. :-D
Tiessa says
10 years ago 1
Merry Christmas everyone!
Tiessa says
10 years ago
the xmas packages are arriving! I love Amazon shipping.
Tiessa says
10 years ago 2
I'm very grateful for all of the package delivery service people working all weekend long to get me my packages in time for xmas. Good people making happiness for people far lazier than they :-D
Tiessa says
10 years ago
and last minute Amazon xmas shopping - done! Step away from the browser and put down the credit card.
Tiessa says
10 years ago
and last minute Amazon xmas shopping... Go!