12Friends 7Fans
female Santa Rosa, Philippines
..i'm just a simple girl with many dreams..haha.!
..a jUnior hiGh sTudent @ SAMMSHS..

**..aii labb dancing..[it's maii PASSION]..i also labs singing..even if maii voice was not that gud enough..xD
preppynicx says
14 years ago
`you better run. run. run. run. run. and that's the only thing i'm gonna say.. HEY!!!
preppynicx says
15 years ago
`weeee.!!! an ganda ng TANGING YAMAN & FIRST TIME.!! hrap mgpalipat-lipat ng channel.!! xD
preppynicx says
15 years ago
*how can I 4geT the perSon i reAlly loVed beFore? if.. even a siNgle "blank" txt msg makes me fall inlove again.!*
15 years ago 1
preppynicx says
15 years ago
I'm going to smile like nothings wrong, talk like everythings perfect, act like it's all a dream, and pretend it's not hurting ME..
preppynicx says
15 years ago
..nkktmad pmaXok bUkaz.!!! uahaha.!! xD
preppynicx says
15 years ago
*gTg.!* gotta eat my dinner and drink my medicines..awTss.. X-(
preppynicx is
15 years ago
not feeling well (again) huhu.. X-((
preppynicx says
15 years ago
embarassing yet sad for the "AI" auditioners.. xD
preppynicx is
15 years ago
watching "AMERICAN IDOL" (pmpa-uala ng bad3p..nkktwa iih..xDD) :-)