#SL AVs you might find me on: Leeannanside Rosewood, Enye McMahon. #SL AVs in semi-retirement: Serendipity Xavier, SarahLouise Mullen. The Infamous MALT
P.S Most of my timeline is about SL. It can be RP-based plurk.
Ok SL Peeps ... If my partner wanted a TD av so we can hang when I'm on Lee & not have him feel like a weirdo ... Where would he start? I know he'd need a TD. What about a kid boy shape? Skin? Clothes? Etc etc.
a mission today: 1. Reduce the MALT's inventory by getting rid of anything purchased prior to 2012 (keeping a few sentimental items) 2. Go shopping for MALT clothes.
I know it is just SL Secrets but the discussion over age has me curious. I teach in an Australian high school and we wanted to use SL this year but when we read the TOS it basically said