8Friends 10Fans
male Mastic, NY, United States
mixing music. trying to be original. found out i was just copying myself in a past life. cant wait to get that time machine for christmas next year...
thetinymoo has
16 years ago
no energy left. needs cookies and milk...but is too tired to get them... ahh well. now they're for breakfast..=)
thetinymoo has
16 years ago 1
installed widgets that ae really worth checking out.
16 years ago
First thing today; guster, godspeed! you black emporer, and daedelus. what did YOU listen to?
thetinymoo is
16 years ago 3
trying to network to fellow thesixtyone users. please be kind with my karma...
thetinymoo is
16 years ago
a little less confused now...
thetinymoo is
16 years ago
a little cofused as to how this works