108Friends 66Fans
male Cabadbaran, Philippines
You wouldn't really bother knowing a person whose very boring and out of his mind. People found me to be good at sarcasm.

School: Silliman University
Course/Yr.: BSN-2
Height: 5'4
Fave Color: Black,Green and White
Fave Food: Pizza, Burger
[ALBERT] thinks
15 years ago 1
this is not right.
15 years ago
wattuh very productive morning! :-D
15 years ago
: basa2 nalang ta ani.
15 years ago
90K (woot)
15 years ago
: Karma's going down, down, down, down....
15 years ago
Yay! Retdem was moved tomorrow.
15 years ago
don't blame me for being unpredictable.
15 years ago
won't be there.
15 years ago
: ok na to. pasar ra dagway ko unya.
15 years ago
We stare at the sun but we see nothing better. (music)