that Willy is showing obvious signs of Alzheimer's, and can't help but notice that in every moment he interacts with a character he fights
"All American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain, called Huckleberry Finn"
he is doing the midterm assignment justice and thinks that hemingway is a good writer
if Eliot randomly thought up a series of words, strung them together and decided to market it as a poem, after his release from the nuthouse
Black Elk's vision, but had a hard time comprehending the symbolism behind the vast amount of images. Trippy.
that despite the Apache wreaking havoc on settlers, Conchise was not such a bad guy. seemed like he was forced into resigning his land
Washington's subtle humor, even in a distinguished history of his rags-to-riches story, he manages to place puns and plays on words/phrases
that he could read faster
that edna has some homoerotic tendencies toward ratignolle, whom she regards as a pure Madonna, in white clothing
what Daisy meant by her final message to winterbourne; was it love? was it just more of her flirtatiousness?