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male Atlanta, GA, United States
thedavidhanscom says
12 years ago
You're either in or you're in the way!
thedavidhanscom says
12 years ago
Setting Goals and Achieving Them! Part 1 - Let’s start with the foundation of why setting goals is so important in l... ow.ly/1k7d7b
thedavidhanscom says
12 years ago
If YOU want to be Financially-FREE, YOU need to become a different person than YOU are today and let go of whatever has held YOU b
thedavidhanscom says
12 years ago
The "Science" and "Art" of Communication Part 2 - Common mistakes people make in Communicating 1. Not being specifi... ow.ly/1jNUZj
thedavidhanscom says
12 years ago
Mastering Relationships Part 1 - In one of my past articles 10 Things you should Know and Do before you are 40 I bri... ow.ly/1jCBXi
thedavidhanscom says
12 years ago
Dont let your mind talk your heart and soul out of getting healthy
thedavidhanscom says
12 years ago
10 Things you should Know and Do before you are 40 - As I approach my 40th Birthday I started thinking about the thi... ow.ly/1iJ0FB
thedavidhanscom says
12 years ago
The “Science” and “Art” of Communication Part 1 - The “Science” and “Art” of Communication Think of a bottle of win... ow.ly/1ihJSI
thedavidhanscom says
12 years ago
The 5 Steps to More Efficient Learning - The 5 Steps to More Efficient Learning 1. Repetition – read/watch the mate... ow.ly/1icStf
thedavidhanscom says
12 years ago
Exercise - Exercise is one of the best tools to help combat depression. Leading an active, physical lifestyle w ow.ly/1i29Ur