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male Bandung, Indonesia
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A feste seg i unge sjeler.

Den siste krig skal vi vinne,
Og de godes blod skal falle som regn.
Deres korte sjeler skal samles.
★✩★✩★✩★✩ says
14 years ago
desire in violent overture
★✩★✩★✩★✩ says
14 years ago
look ma, darkness no more goo.gl/yHhgx
★✩★✩★✩★✩ says
14 years ago
The researchers found that money did not make people happy. Instead, happy people attracted wealth into their lives. goo.gl/oZFFw
★✩★✩★✩★✩ says
14 years ago
Kita boleh salah melangkah, tapi jangan kehilangan arah. goo.gl/GzydF
★✩★✩★✩★✩ says
14 years ago
Work Is Theatre & Every Business a Stage -The Experience Economy
★✩★✩★✩★✩ says
14 years ago
Wor is a theatre and every business a style - the experience economy
★✩★✩★✩★✩ says
14 years ago
one option is no choice. two options is a dilemma. three options is a choice. four and more options is a paradox. #managingthought #dev
★✩★✩★✩★✩ says
14 years ago
The future is a series of now moments. #managingthought
★✩★✩★✩★✩ says
14 years ago
remember why you do what you do bit.ly/aGdjE4aGdjE4
★✩★✩★✩★✩ says
14 years ago
Replace fear with curiosity. Replace 'difficult' with 'exciting'.