Central Library
15Friends 12Fans
Houston, TX, United States
Welcome to the Central Library information center. Please clarify which librarian you wish to speak to, otherwise, all questions will be handled by the Head Librarian.
the_central_library | Recent Entries
Central Library
7 years ago 5
The Applications code will be updated tomorrow If Dreamwidth cooperates and Applications will open within the next few days.
Blast from the past... would anyone be interested in a playing at a rebooted version of the Library?
Central Library
8 years ago
It's the end of the month but the April Event is still going!
Central Library
8 years ago 51
April Event and Test Drive Please try out new muses and invite your friends to visit!
Central Library
8 years ago 56
The April Event has been posted here.
Central Library
8 years ago 70
The mod team is looking for ideas for the March event. Please post suggestions there!
Central Library
8 years ago 9
The cast list has been updated. Players please take a look and comment if updates or changes are needed. Thank you!
Central Library
8 years ago 17
replurking MoiyaHatake 's suggestions I want to throw some Valentine event ideas at you peeps and see what you think.