180Friends 14Fans
female Hutchinson, KS, United States
4th grade educator that loves technology and likes to find new ways to use it.
tgilley says
11 years ago 1
I've been gone for awhile. Can someone help me find a video about a 9th grade teacher who was using QR codes as a novel study.
tgilley says
11 years ago 2
Good morning. The sun is finally out today. :-)
tgilley says
12 years ago 3
Good morning
tgilley asks
12 years ago
I'm looking for a middle school in SC Ks. to visit. It must include 6th grade. Anyone have any ideas?
tgilley says
12 years ago 1
signs of the times. I just had a student ask me what white out is? (LOL) Why would he know. We don't type anymore.
tgilley says
12 years ago 1
The snow days were good. It allowed everyone to get over the flu and be back in class today. The first time everyone has been here in 3 wks.
tgilley asks
12 years ago
If you had the chance to visit a 6-8 Language Arts classroom, where would you visit?
tgilley says
12 years ago 1
It's going to be an awesome day! I have committed to starting my day with this attitude everyday.
tgilley says
12 years ago 3
lunch in the classroom and inside recess today. Now that's double duty.
tgilley asks
12 years ago
Are any of you doing a book study this year? If so what is the title of your book?