163Friends 11Fans
female Lewisville, TX, United States
Wife, mom, sister, daughter. Knitter, spinner, learning to be a weaver. Love the beach and rainy days. RN, going to graduate school to get my MSN in Nursing Education. Love dogs, reading, traveling, going to fiber fesitvals/events, and knitting wi
texaspurlgurl says
11 years ago 4
Rather than a night of sleep I'd like to call last night a series of naps. (bah) (: (sleeping)
texaspurlgurl is
11 years ago
at the dog park. Running off some energy before a full day of rain!
texaspurlgurl wishes
11 years ago 9
Everyone a good Monday morning! Hope all those suffering from the flu will find rest and healing as well as an awesome series on Netflix to help them recover! Xo
texaspurlgurl loves
11 years ago 1
All of the birthday wishes! Have been away from Plurk for a few days, trying to settle my students into a new semester. Hopefully more active now!
texaspurlgurl wishes
11 years ago 13
I was at KitM right now. Sigh.
texaspurlgurl says
11 years ago 4
Have you seen this? Buy for $1 at Starbucks and get it refilled every time you go to Starbucks and get 10 cents off your coffee. Not a lot but every bit counts! https://images.plurk.com/xDWL-26zm9VMoVqrckfzJuKf1G1.jpg
texaspurlgurl hopes
11 years ago 7
I feel better today. I had an unfortunate orgy with Gummy Bears on Tuesday and may never eat them again. Srsly.
texaspurlgurl wonders
12 years ago 32
How do you decide who to RAP? How do you feel if you don't get thanked?
texaspurlgurl shares
12 years ago
has RAPTed and now off to the store. Supposed to rain all day so I want to spend a quiet day working in the house and not out in the rain. Have 11 points left on my Hitchhiker and that is 1 UFO down.
12 years ago 1
Downton Abbey!!! No talking!