Good morning folks! What a day to live in. Let's make the best of what we have and intentionally enjoy it.
Spending the day with District admin and school admin digging into data and creating action plans for next year.
Ok. +Jim Sill I've joined Instagram. Now what?
My 3yo just counted to 20 without help and no hesitation! Uh oh!
Good day folks! Things in life get bigger or smaller as we place attention on them. Need to remember to prioritize the important ones.
Good morning folks! An encouraging word deserves to be heard. Ephesians 4:29
Good morning folks! Problems are opportunities in disguise. Learn from them the skills you'll for the future. Matthew 5:4
Good morning folks! Good thoughts create sweet dreams. Philippians 4:8 Have great thoughts and wonderful dreams this Friday!
Good morning folks! A smile never goes out of style. Philippians 4:4 Be full of joy today.