163Friends 27Fans
male Phoenix, AZ, United States
Educator who loves to use technology to enrich lives. Father to 2 genius boys.
TechyTurner says
9 years ago 5
Good morning folks! What a day to live in. Let's make the best of what we have and intentionally enjoy it.
TechyTurner says
10 years ago 1
Spending the day with District admin and school admin digging into data and creating action plans for next year.
TechyTurner says
10 years ago 1
Ok. +Jim Sill I've joined Instagram. Now what?
TechyTurner says
10 years ago 7
My 3yo just counted to 20 without help and no hesitation! Uh oh!
TechyTurner says
10 years ago 2
Good day folks! Things in life get bigger or smaller as we place attention on them. Need to remember to prioritize the important ones.
TechyTurner says
10 years ago 3
Good morning folks! An encouraging word deserves to be heard. Ephesians 4:29
TechyTurner says
10 years ago 3
Good morning folks! Problems are opportunities in disguise. Learn from them the skills you'll for the future. Matthew 5:4
TechyTurner says
10 years ago 2
Good morning folks! Good thoughts create sweet dreams. Philippians 4:8 Have great thoughts and wonderful dreams this Friday!
TechyTurner says
10 years ago 2
Good morning folks! A smile never goes out of style. Philippians 4:4 Be full of joy today.