9Friends 27Fans
female El Paso, TX, United States
Oh, how I miss that day!
mica says
15 years ago
no pain, no gain.
mica says
15 years ago 4
When it rains, it pours.
mica says
15 years ago 3
cooked some honey sesame chicken. I realized, homemade Chinese food is just as good, scratch that, better than the ones in the buffet. LOL!
mica says
15 years ago 3
sore from learning to salsa. :'-(
mica says
15 years ago 4
lovin the 3day weekend!
mica says
15 years ago 1
it's been a long week. can't wait for the 3day weekend.
mica says
15 years ago 2
dang! fhei knows a lot of people on the district! she could actually win a popularity contest if there was one.
mica will
15 years ago 6
be sitting i (music)n a training for the whole week.
mica says
15 years ago
yahoo! 1 week less. How many more weeks to go? (woot)
mica says
15 years ago 11
I have great kids this year! I hope they stay that way...