17Friends 5Fans
taraong says
12 years ago
taraong says
12 years ago
i think i just saw something W.E.I.R.D :-o
taraong says
12 years ago
You're the world's most precious person to me so don't ever leave... :-)
taraong says
12 years ago
Omg so lame~ but who cares. ^^
taraong thinks
12 years ago
Michelle's awesome like fuck! ^^
taraong loves
12 years ago
Medical Certificates soooo much too. AHHAHAAHAHHAHAHAAHAH XD :-P lame~
taraong loves
12 years ago
someone who has a plurk account too that has a cow goes moo and loves to shelly stuff. LOL. wtf am i typing HAHAHA.
taraong says
12 years ago
Well things have changed too :-)
taraong says
12 years ago
HAHAHA. omg 3years after my last plunk post XP
taraong says
15 years ago
PLurking on my iPhone >.< but it is kinda slow ( :