[Genshin] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FPEcUSjXIAE0fBZ?format=jpg&name=large Listen. I know. There's a pretty man with pretty katana stances who's the brother of one of my mains. I'll catch him in a rerun. But Venti is Venti and I've wanted this constellation for a year, so the Ayato funds became the Ehe and Mistsplitter funds
[meme] if this had middle/junior high too I could've added more pop classics like Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys but those 2 specific years... Nirvana, Blink-182, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Alanis, 90's Shakira
[that cookie bullshit] I doubt I'll play all that much because my tablet struggles, but I'm PWSDK0410 at Hollyberry and here are my gacha spoils so far