106Friends 208Fans
male Manado, Indonesia
me, myself, i
gw tuh orangnya gag muluk2...
suka banget sama yg namanya inetan... entah mau browsing doank, ato main game onlen bahkan ceting ga jelas sama temen2!
teruuuss gw itu cintaaa banget sama yg namanya nyanyi n baca buku..
takatophilip says
13 years ago
No. Just kill me instead >.< embarrassing!
takatophilip says
13 years ago
check out my new cover of Fireflies by Owl City at bit.ly/fireflytakato
takatophilip says
13 years ago
hear my new cover: If I Aint Got You (Alicia Keys cover) on ping.fm/R67Mv
takatophilip says
13 years ago
astaga... udah jam segini aja -_-
takatophilip says
14 years ago
thx for Your advice God :-) this is what i love from talking to You :-)
takatophilip says
14 years ago
Rehearsing for Teenager's Valentine Fellowship. Bless us God
takatophilip says
14 years ago
Time to sleep. Remember, if you are in trouble, just do what Psalm 55:22 (mazmur 55:23) did...
takatophilip says
14 years ago
Anda memasuki daerah anti BIS.
takatophilip says
14 years ago
Diner Dash for iPhone... -_-
takatophilip says
14 years ago
Pindahin Escape dulu >.<