11Friends 12Fans
male Evanston, IL, United States
I am a very active-minded young man living and working in the Chicagoland area.
tabletop will
15 years ago
will always feel at home in Chicago.
tabletop is
15 years ago
is totally addicted to caffeine.
tabletop says
15 years ago
remembers what is is to be alive.
tabletop loves
15 years ago
loves it when his professor uses the term, so and so's "philosophical project," or his "philosophical program." Always makes me la
tabletop says
15 years ago
just got Daniel Spiotta to say that Capitalism "creates both poverty and excess wealth." Why does he want to enslave me?
tabletop says
15 years ago
just got interviewed for the Collegian fore the third time.
tabletop is
15 years ago
is studying. What else?
tabletop loves
15 years ago
loves almost nothing as much as the warmth that comes from solitude.
tabletop says
15 years ago
tabletop loves
15 years ago
loves almost nothing as much as the warmth that comes from solitude.