Syvannah Alley
4Friends 8Fans
female Philippine, Philippines
Hi Guys! :-)
I Plurk what I want to Plurk. I plurk about my feelings, and I plurk what I want to say. If you got a problem with me, plurk me and tag me in a post and tell me your probs. I've got swag. Plurk is my best friend. HAHAHA
Syvannah Alley
12 years ago
Syvannah Alley
12 years ago
Syvannah Alley gonna change her dp already, guys! :-) \\hahahlook@it
Syvannah Alley
12 years ago
the fuck plurk, the fuck. Would you please allow me to boost myself???? \\FUCKYOU
Syvannah Alley
12 years ago
my \\ for courage is over. week over! aww haha! so now, i love courage so much talaga! hahaha \\ilovecourage
Syvannah Alley
12 years ago 18
karma boost please ahaha \\pleasekarmaboostthis
Syvannah Alley
12 years ago
brb! gonna play snakes and ladders with my bro and other peeps! hahha \\brbness
Syvannah Alley
12 years ago
from sm and mama's derma with mama and fonz! love them both so much! \\muahforthem
Syvannah Alley
12 years ago
I was from the dentist kanina and I'm in need of braces daw. \\ohmygee
Syvannah Alley
12 years ago
Karma up 0.15! HAHAHA \\lolwhattagrowth
Syvannah Alley
12 years ago
gtg for now dad's home! omg bye!!!! creeped HAHAHA\\lovingcourage