9Friends 17Fans
female Hanoi, Viet Nam
sylviegill has
16 years ago
to arrange the vet to come today for nani's annual vaccination (s_annoyed)
sylviegill is
16 years ago
having breakfast : toasted homemade bread with butter and a cup of coffee (s_tongue)
sylviegill is
16 years ago 3
baking choco chips cookies, the smell fills up the whole apartment (s_tongue)
sylviegill is
16 years ago
just finished watching 'away from her' - dalem banget film nya - Alzheimer menakutkan
sylviegill is
16 years ago
making bread now (s_mmm)
sylviegill is
16 years ago
thinking of baking cookies today and cooking gulai ayam campur telur rebus (s_tongue)
16 years ago
watched 'the home song stories' dvd last night - great movie tapi stressful berat nontonya :'-(
sylviegill was
16 years ago
amazed that she could wait instantly for new lenses installed on her glasses (woot).
sylviegill is
16 years ago
on her way to down town now :'-(
sylviegill has
16 years ago
cemara's german friend for sleep over tonight who is craving for fried chicken ala sylvie (LOL)