all packed ready to go to Omaha on a quilting bus trip!
happy to announce Anne Moege is the Region 3 ESA South Dakota Teacher of the Year!
everyone could be here at this Laptop Leaders' Academy. It has been a great first day. Jim Moulton tomorrow, Kevin Honeycutt on Wednesday!
don't you wish you were all in South Dakota? We start the Laptop Leaders' Academy in the morning. My Kansas friends arrived today!
speaking of 21st century skills - any great ideas for technology and teaching characterization
has anyone done a formal presentation on Plurk for teachers?
to go bake the first batch of cookies, then layer the fabric for quilted placemats, then exercise. Back later.
if someone has really quick cookie recipes. Just tell me where to find them!
to know how to become a fan of Kevin, Tammy and Mike
all of you could be at NSCD and gain this staff development info