0Friends 3Fans
male Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
e-mail : [email protected]
FB : reza rizky ramadhan mangaweang
FS : [email protected]
twitter : superrezzy17
flickr : superrezzy17
dailybooth : captainrezzy
superrezzy17 feels
15 years ago
sleepy.. of we go to bed now ~ :-& :-&
superrezzy17 feels
15 years ago
hungry.. off to grab some foods X-( ~
superrezzy17 is
15 years ago
very.. very... tired......... :-&
superrezzy17 says
15 years ago
facebook gw eror di maintenance n' ga bisa dbuka ! sdangkan fb tmen gw yg laen bisa dbuka !?!? knp ini X-( !!??
superrezzy17 hates
15 years ago
undone home works that over due tomorrow X-( !!
superrezzy17 will
15 years ago
get some sleep right now :-&....
superrezzy17 hopes
15 years ago
tomorrow will be a nice day to come a.k.a g sial lg kaya' hr ini :-& :-&...........