23Friends 8Fans
female Quezon City, Philippines
15 years ago 6
is lovin' the weather. sipping hot choco. reminiscing the old times in college when we had same rainy days. *sigh* i miss my college life.
15 years ago 4
im back plurkies! gosh my karma is 0?!?
15 years ago 5
waaah!!!! my boss is looking for my plurk account. waaah!!! (woot)
16 years ago 1
thanks sir John for the Pizza party!!! (hungry)
Meggie is
16 years ago
watching the live stream of the Oscars 2009. :-)
Meggie says
16 years ago 1
my gosh!!!! this is such a cheesy morning! waah. i can't take it. eeewww....
Meggie says
16 years ago 1
super init sa labas!!! (angry)
Meggie says
16 years ago
finally! I can go home now! bye plurkees! have to rest muna (bye)