Another engagement!!! It mean's im at that age that will keep attending weddings now..
happy birthday Joo!!
Hey u guys wanna meet up these few days??
Li Wei seems to be fatter jor. Hahah. sorry
FB notification shows it's Kaoshong's bday today. Then in my mind is like, ya, 9/13, correct. Conclusion: I duno why i still rmb things like this.
Is Love in the Moonlight good? I saw the trailer on tv and i'm kinda interested.
Monday again. Raining again. But i feel energised about this week! Or maybe it's the coffee i had this morning. Hah
good to finally have a free day to myself. But still too lazy to gym, hahah.
the moment when you realise the first 3 people you talk to in the office, you have actually already been messaging with them whole morning before entering office.