456Friends 81Fans
female Second life
Creator for Beetlebones. I make random things so I can be cool enough to hang out with anya ohmai. Lives with 1 pig, 2 dogs.
3 years ago 9

Hi long time no see
8 years ago 9
suepoo says
8 years ago 17
Decided to follow Anya and take gnomon classes. Pretty excited to be back working!
suepoo says
9 years ago 19
suepoo says
9 years ago 23
Weeee hubby's game is finally out! Artwork was done by the most talented person in the world ohmai ! Highest Point
suepoo says
9 years ago 6
I'm pretty sure Dylan is going through puberty. He does not want to change diaper, eat, play or sleep
Without having a meltdown first. I need to breathe and maybe some wine