106Friends 82Fans
female Manila, Philippines
I'm not here to change the world.. I am here to change myself and live a life for the betterment of the world:-)... so I'm moving from fashion to passion and from style to lifestyle ;D

15 years ago 6
reminiscing her teen years:-)
15 years ago
I have God's favor ♥ Thank you God for all the blessings:-)
15 years ago 2
University of Abundant Papers! RAWR STRESS X-( (angry)
stephisticated loves
15 years ago
Einstein said"imagination is more important than knowledge" can I just go imagine I know everything?University of Abundant Papers!RAWRSTRESS
stephisticated loves
15 years ago
productivity! (dance)
stephisticated loves
15 years ago 3
her loving life and the wonderful world:-)
stephisticated shares
15 years ago 1
15 years ago 3
cleaning her room:-)