139Friends 6Fans
female Waynesville, OH, United States
Knitter, spinner, quilter, weaver, and general lover of all needlearts. Also a writer and violinist. Way too many projects, way too little time.
Spingirl says
12 years ago
I think I have a sugar hangover. Too much candy lately.
Spingirl says
12 years ago 7
I'm up, but the morning stiffness is really bad today.
Spingirl says
12 years ago 2
so I finished the Stripe Study shawl a few days ago.
Spingirl says
12 years ago 6
good morning!
Spingirl says
12 years ago 2
here comes the rain! Though it looks like we missed the worst of the storms.
Spingirl is
12 years ago 13
trying to decide if she wants to go to Yarn Dorking tonight or not.
Spingirl says
12 years ago
vacation's over! Back to work tomorrow!
Spingirl says
12 years ago 6
good morning! Still poking along here...
Spingirl says
12 years ago 5
crappity-crap-crap. Can't get in to see the doc until the 15th. Crap.
Spingirl is
12 years ago 9
struggling this morning. Think it may be time to see the doc.