Spingirl is
12 years ago
trying to decide if she wants to go to Yarn Dorking tonight or not.
latest #13
Spingirl says
12 years ago
it's been months, but we're supposed to get bad storms. Plus I'm lazy.
MsLindz says
12 years ago
It's storming pretty bad out right now. I think I'll be staying home... Brain is just so fried today.
yrallee says
12 years ago
vkn perhaps? :-D
yrallee says
12 years ago
I'm having the same dilemma.. It was raining earlier, now it's sunny, but we're supposed to have storms again tonight
MsLindz says
12 years ago
yrallee: I'd be up for VKNing
yrallee says
12 years ago
yrallee says
12 years ago
Spingirl says
12 years ago
VKN?? Wut?
Spingirl is
12 years ago
an idjit.
yrallee says
12 years ago
Virtual Knit Night using the hangout feature on google +
Spingirl says
12 years ago
ohhhh. I'm not on Google+ anymore.
yrallee says
12 years ago
Oh :-( I'm rarely on their. I keep it for this sort of thing
MsLindz says
12 years ago
Ditto. I post rarely or the bf will post things to me, but keep it for VKNs.
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