15Friends 4Fans
male Rawang, Malaysia
i'm just an ordinary guy.. i don't know what my friends saying about me.. just be friend with me then the time will answer that.. thanks
soonseng wonders
15 years ago
Turun lagi.... :-(
soonseng wonders
15 years ago
ada yang sama nasib dgn ku? sabtu minggu hny tidur dan ol aja... mudah2an kt bs lewat bareng...
soonseng wonders
15 years ago
aku di suruh bertindak.. tapi respon dy bakal gmn ya?
soonseng wonders
15 years ago
take care dear..
soonseng wonders
15 years ago
soonseng wonders
15 years ago 2
soonseng wonders
15 years ago
HATE U ! HATE U ! HATE U! (angry)
soonseng wonders
15 years ago
might die in 8 days?
soonseng wonders
15 years ago
what will happen another 8 days?
soonseng hates
15 years ago 3