Shirt Strippeur
66Friends 3Fans
female Reno, NV, United States
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 11
[Art] Yay, I finally art after too long /sobs
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 6
I don't know if I even feel up to tags today
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 8
Okay. No more Heiji tags. xD
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 75
leloipa How do we wanna address the assholes arguing via telepathy? XD especially with our "logical" detectives.
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 3
What if I threw Trunks here?
I mean, I've been wanting a home for him anyway.
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 7
I only tagged Wind's Sanji so far. I don't know if I'll make my own top-level, but
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 65
Tags slowly incoming.
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 3
Here now. Just need a shower.
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 12
Okay. I'm more alive today.
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 4
Hmmm. If tags happen at all, they'll be tonight