ELiTE - yhen
58Friends 21Fans
female MANDALUYONG, Philippines
‎-- becausE oF yoU ?
i Learn to pLay oN thE SAFE SIDE :-))
so i dont get hURT!!!

Taylor Swift - White Horse
ELiTE - yhen
12 years ago
Ayyst. Ndi ako maka tulog :/ Naikot Ko na Buong Sulok Ng Bed Ko ! --
ELiTE - yhen
12 years ago
Kill them with success and bury them with a smile.
ELiTE - yhen
12 years ago
Hala Ka ! Ndi ko NamaLayan Umulan Pala, Ayun Basa Ule Mga Sinampay ko :-(
LetCheng Ulan Yan. Hindi Nag PapaAlam ! Haha :-D
ELiTE - yhen
12 years ago
You can't have a relationship without any fights, but you can make your relationship worth the fight.
ELiTE - yhen
12 years ago
Being silent is a great way to let someone know they did something wrong.
ELiTE - yhen
12 years ago
I text you. You don't text back. I feel stupid. :/
ELiTE - yhen
12 years ago
The only thing I hate about you, is that I can't stay mad at you.
ELiTE - yhen
12 years ago
As you breath right now, another person takes his last. So stop complaining, and learn to live your life with what you got.
ELiTE - yhen
12 years ago
ELiTE - yhen
12 years ago
When things aren't working out as you wish, be patient. Stop trying to move ahead of God. His timing is perfect. Trust Him.