6Friends 32Fans
male Quezon City, Philippines
Louboutin is
14 years ago
too tired to go to school tommorow.
Louboutin is
14 years ago 3
at school
Louboutin says
15 years ago
i'm sleepy but to tired to sleep
Louboutin says
15 years ago
ze zara zhoes iz broken
Louboutin will
15 years ago
trudge to the school..........
Louboutin is
15 years ago
late but is off to school
Louboutin has
15 years ago
a thesis defense tomorrow
Louboutin is
15 years ago
congratulating himself for buying a new pair of shoe
Louboutin wants
15 years ago
to shop for a new pair of leather shoes
Louboutin says
15 years ago
Hot issue by 4 minute is catchy (unsure)