443Friends 71Fans
female Probolinggo, Indonesia
I am a SIMPLE person *

sometime, i like making trouble but i'am a good and friendly person [according to others] =D *

I love music very much -- MUSIC is my Life *

I like hang out anywhere *
and more about me you can judge for yourself ..
12 years ago 3
you're the reason what i said , you're the one that cannot see this .. how could you be so blind ? to be with you is so that i need . :-)
12 years ago 4
mksi bwt kmu yg uda ngelatih ksbaranku :-)
12 years ago 3
wooii, you [drummer] enyahlah dr kehidupanku !! nyesel prnh knal kmu . X-(
12 years ago 3
arrggh .. pngen tereak sekenceng-kencengnya !!!
12 years ago 3
LenyapLAH kamu dr pkiranku !
12 years ago 2
apa seh mksud kmu ngelakukan smua itu ? * sumpah. ga ngerti *
12 years ago 4
ngerubah point of view *aku gamau+ga pngen ktemu kamu smpe kpanpun*
12 years ago 4
nyesel pernah syg kamu .
12 years ago 8
bulan puasa gini ko pda ttep ng.GOSIP sih , pahalanya g 100% lho . stop ng.GOSIP yahh ..
12 years ago 5
aku butuh pengawal !! :-))