Emily ✟
42Friends 39Fans
female Taunton, MA, United States
I am a child of God, a wife, and a fur mom to Daisy, Lily & 11 ferals. Even if I can't hold them, I love them. I have named them Lilo, Sammy, Momo, Boots, Oreo, Inky, Garfield, Sherbert, Loki, Smokey & Mittens.
Emily ✟
10 months ago 241 @Edit 10 months ago
I'm a bit concerned about Daisy. She hasn't been her normal self since last night. I hope it passes whatever it is. She ate this morning but hasn't asked for food again yet. Her vet appointment isn't until the end of next month. She sometimes does this and then bounces back. But as a cat parent. I can't help but worry. Please send prayers.
Emily ✟
2 weeks ago 3
I am tired. Good night.
Emily ✟
2 weeks ago
For Your mercy reaches unto the heavens, And Your truth unto the clouds.
Psalm 57:10 -Psalm 57:10 - NKJV
Emily ✟
2 weeks ago 6
Homemade chicken soup, courtesy of my husband. It's so good. https://images.plurk.com/DSzVsiZ7fsbcRdQNS4ULC.jpg
Emily ✟
2 weeks ago 3
2nd load of laundry is in the dryer.
Emily ✟
2 weeks ago 6
Guess what today is? Laundry day
Emily ✟
2 weeks ago 7
Good morning, everyone . Happy Sunday. Have a blessed day.
Emily ✟
2 weeks ago 1
We are watching Smile 2, it's as creepy as the 1st one.Smile 2 (2024) ⭐ 6.8 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Emily ✟
2 weeks ago 4
Last night, I got up at about 4:30 a.m. to feed my girls Daisy and Lily. I checked on Lilo. She was sleeping soundly. It dipped down to 17 or 18 degrees F last night/this morning. Tonight, it will be a few degrees colder. Poor baby. If it gets any colder or it rains, I'll try bringing her in, against her will, but for her benefit.
Emily ✟
2 weeks ago 8 @Edit 2 weeks ago
Finally, relaxing. After shopping, we got home at about 4:30 pm, put away things, fed the cats (inside and out), my husband made dinner, and I cleaned up the kitchen. I put away a few other things. Oh, we always do our advent calendars after dinner. My husband got a little frustrated because he was tired.
Emily ✟
2 weeks ago
By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
1 John 3:16 -1 John 3:16 - NKJV