I am a child of God, a wife, and a fur mom to Daisy, Lily & 11 ferals. Even if I can't hold them, I love them. I have named them Lilo, Sammy, Momo, Boots, Oreo, Inky, Garfield, Sherbert, Loki, Smokey & Mittens.
I'm a bit concerned about Daisy. She hasn't been her normal self since last night. I hope it passes whatever it is. She ate this morning but hasn't asked for food again yet. Her vet appointment isn't until the end of next month. She sometimes does this and then bounces back. But as a cat parent. I can't help but worry. Please send prayers.
It's 24 degrees outside. I put out an extra fluffy blanket for Lilo. She is curled up on it, & I'm hoping it keeps her warm enough. She shifts from side to side, which I assume is because she eventually gets cold on the side exposed to the air.
And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Matthew 6:13 -Matthew 6:13 - NKJV