4Friends 14Fans
female Baguio, Philippines
BEtter to meet me.
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sheishaya shares
12 years ago
“You drink liquor to forget; I do dhikr to remember.” - --HamzaYusuf:-)
sheishaya says
12 years ago
bye bye!
sheishaya is
12 years ago
sheishaya hates
12 years ago
him for making me cry! X-(
sheishaya wants
12 years ago
need more KARMA.I lost a all my karma Nung nag-satop din ako mag plurk now I need it!!!!help me guys. :-)
sheishaya shares
12 years ago
so hesisted! I'm hungry,I ate 1 gallon of Ice cream just this time!
sheishaya says
12 years ago
yes!I'm now on on my plurk.I drop my youtube channel and my myspace:-)
sheishaya says
13 years ago
hala my karma turn to ZERo :'-(
sheishaya hates
13 years ago
her poser on facebook... X-(
sheishaya thinks
13 years ago
of her assignments...