10Friends 7Fans
female Quezon City, Philippines
sheRfaye is
15 years ago
Good Morning... I'm here at school library working with my assignment +.+
sheRfaye is
15 years ago
hhmmm I'm still wondering what opportunity could I get here in PLURK???
sheRfaye is
15 years ago
Good Morning everyone :-D
sheRfaye is
15 years ago 5
Whatta ggRRR... I want to sleep na pero pano yung assignment ko waaahh if only I could copy LOLz
sheRfaye is
15 years ago 2
Good Night :-))
sheRfaye is
15 years ago
Working with TRENDS that I need to indentify ggrrr... I still need more trends :'-(
sheRfaye is
15 years ago
finding some trends ggRRR... Can you give me some trends???
sheRfaye is
15 years ago
I'm feeling so confuse, I'm wondering why???
sheRfaye is
15 years ago
Having a haRd time with thiNking of sOme tReNds ggRRR...
sheRfaye is
15 years ago 3
CAIO foR nOw... We'LL have ouR Last subject na haaaii hagaRdneSs Phew!