10Friends 32Fans
male Elkridge, MD, United States
shaunbwilson says
13 years ago
Today I made a delicious poached egg on the sidewalk for brunch.
shaunbwilson says
13 years ago
Google+ is responding VERY quickly to customer feedback! Oh, man, Facebook might be in trouble!
shaunbwilson says
13 years ago
Celebrating my first Independence Day with the Ball and Chain!
shaunbwilson says
13 years ago
Winter is coming. I can feel it.
shaunbwilson says
13 years ago
Need financial advice. Wife moved my mouthwash next to the Tilex and other cleaning supplies. Should I change my life insurance beneficiary?
shaunbwilson says
13 years ago
My name suggestion for MichMaybenot's trivia team at Atlantic Risk Mgmt (ARM) was voted best. "Armedwithwitz". Related: Updated LinkedIn.
shaunbwilson says
13 years ago
Just returned from Saint Chapelle where we attended an incredible performance of The Four Seasons, Pachelbel's Canon, Bach, and Mozart.
shaunbwilson says
13 years ago
On Tuesday I reached my 50/40x30 goal. I've been to 50 states and 40 countries and turned 30 this year.
shaunbwilson says
13 years ago
Accidentally stumbled past the #spanishrevolution on my way to dinner. Hippies walked in, guys in ties walked away.
shaunbwilson says
13 years ago
Now looking for an "I got photobombed in Puerto del Sol" T-shirt.